When most accidents happen, drivers know what to do regarding insurance claims and exchanging insurance information with other motorists involved. However, if you discover another driver has no insurance, too little to cover your damages, or worst of all flees the scene it can cause extreme anxiety about how you will get compensation. The skilled uninsured motorist attorneys at Walch Law know you may be confused and worried, so we are here to fight for you and get you the money you deserve quickly. We can explain how lawsuits work, answer your questions, and fight for justice on your behalf. Call today to schedule a free consultation and see how over four decades of experience and a success rate of over 98% for our clients can give you an advantage when pursuing compensation.
Oxnard Uninsured MotoristsAll California motorists are legally required to carry auto insurance coverage at all times of at least certain levels to help cover damages in case of a car accident. Failure to do so can result in financial penalties or even drivers’ license suspensions in some cases. Fines are currently:
When various mandatory penalties and fees are added to these fine, you may find yourself paying nearly $450 on what was originally a $100 first offense fine. Your vehicle may also be towed and impounded, and you to get it back you may be required to:
If you get into a motor vehicle accident without insurance, the DMV may choose to suspend your drivers license for a period of up to 4 years! This is true even if you were not the at-fault driver.
Even with severe penalties in place, a shocking number of motorists carry no insurance. In 2017 alone, almost 1 out of every 8 drivers did not have any car insurance when they got behind the wheel. These drivers, just as any others, can cause accidents resulting in injuries or even death. In the same year nearly 12.5% of drivers went uninsured, 1598 people in Oxnard were injured or killed in traffic accidents. It’s not a stretch to imagine some of these victims were harmed by a driver without insurance to cover their damages.
What Is Uninsured Motorist Coverage?A part of your auto insurance policy, uninsured motorist coverage is an agreement with your insurance company that they will pay damages you incur in the event an at-fault driver is uninsured. In some cases, this even means your insurer will pay damages after a hit-and-run accident when you can’t collect the other driver’s insurance information.
There is current no requirement that California drivers carry uninsured motorist coverage. However, if you are purchasing auto insurance in California you must be offered the option of electing to include uninsured motorist coverage. It will usually pay:
It’s common for many uninsured motorist coverage clauses to include coverage paying for damage an underinsured driver causes in an accident. An underinsured motorist is a driver whose coverage limits on their auto insurance policy do not pay for the full sum of your damages. Your underinsured motorist coverage means your insurance company will pay part or all damages that are above an at-fault driver’s coverage limits.
In California, drivers are only mandated to carry a small amount of auto insurance coverage. The legal requirement is currently:
Often, these minimal levels of coverage are nowhere near a victim’s total damages. Even a minor accident can rack up thousands in damages; catastrophic injuries or permanent disability from a serious accident can cost hundreds of thousand or even millions of dollars. This coverage helps protect you in case an at-fault driver’s coverage is insufficient.
Get Started TodayThe stress of medical bills, a potential disability keeping you from work, or expensive car repairs only grows if the other driver has insufficient coverage or no insurance at all; you might even believe you can’t afford an attorney. Robert and Gary have represented many clients in your situation and understand your uncertainty; that’s why they take every case on a contingency fee basis. This means you do not pay anything until after you get paid. As soon as we’re hired, we will fight to get you the most money possible and closure to help you recover. Call us today and let our skilled team of Oxnard uninsured motorist lawyers show you why our team is the one you want in your corner.