There were 159,115 car accident injury collisions and 2835 car accident deaths in California in 2011, according to the California Highway Patrol. If you have been injured in a car accident, or someone you care about has been injured or killed with a wrongful death claim in any auto, truck, motorcycle or other motor vehicle collision, anywhere in Los Angeles, the San Fernando Valley or in the state of California, we invite you to contact our expert car accident personal injury lawyers now for an absolutely FREE COURTESY CONSULTATION. If you need any help, please contact us now. Our expert car accident attorneys have been representing injured victims of auto, truck, motorcycle and other motor vehicle collisions throughout Los Angeles and California for over 45 years. We have successfully resolved thousands of car, truck and other motor vehicle accident claims, winning over 98% of our cases while recovering over $100 million for our clients.
Car Accident Personal Injury Legal Services ProvidedWe are devoted to obtaining the best results possible for our clients, including helping them immediately find the best medical care possible without any payment due until their car accident injury claim is resolved, resolving their property damage claims as quickly as possible and obtaining the best financial recovery possible. If you have been injured in an autonobile or other motor vehicle accident, we would like to help you. Please give us a call or send us an email now for a FREE consultation. There are many reasons to use our car accident injury law firm and we offer many helpful services to our injured clients, including the following:
Throughout California, whether on freeways, roads or private property, there are thousands of car accidents every year. Most automobile accidents are caused by a negligent (careless) driver who was inattentive, distracted, reckless or otherwise careless on the road.
With so many car collisions in Los Angeles, California and the United States, the chances are high that you or someone you care about will be injured in such an accident. In fact, in 2012, car and motor vehicle collisions reportedly killed 33,561 people in the United States. According to the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA), this was an increase from the year 2011 when 32,479 were killed in such motor vehicle crashes.
In 2011, car and motor vehicle collisions in California with fatalities involved 3,799 drivers and those with injuries involved 286,969 drivers, according to the California Highway Patrol (CHP).
Also, according to the CHP, the main type of motor vehicle collision causing death in California in 2011 was broadside collisions killing 788 persons. The next leading cause of death was hitting an object which resulted in 753 fatalities. Autos hitting pedestrians resulted in 672 deaths and rear end car accidents reportedly killed 405 persons.
Alcohol is a major factor in auto accidents. In 2012, according to the NHTSA there were 10,322 people killed in alcohol-impaired driving collisions in the United States. These alcohol-impaired driving deaths accounted for 31 percent of all car and motor vehicle traffic deaths in the United States. The fatality rate in alcohol-impaired driving accidents has actually increased since 2011 when there were 9,865 deaths.
The NHTSA estimates that 525 lives were actually saved in 2012 by the 21-year-old minimum-drinking-age laws in the United States.
The NHTSA further estimates that 12,174 lives were saved in 2012 due to the use of seat belts in passenger vehicles; and that about 63,000 lives were saved by using seat belts from 2008 to 2012. The lawyers in this law office have handled cases where some occupants in a car were not wearing seat belts, while others were and in each case recalled the occupants not using seat belts were more severely injured. Accordingly, based on studies and our own experience, we strongly advise always using seat belts when using an automobile or other motor vehicle.
As mentioned, many car accidents involve intoxicated drivers. It is unlawful and a criminal offense for any person to operate a car or other motor vehicle with a blood alcohol concentration (BAC) of .08 or higher in all 50 states, the District of Columbia (DC) and Puerto Rico. For more information about traffic accidents, injuries & fatalities, please click here.
All types of car accidents, ranging from rear end accidents with minor property damage to intersection collisions totaling the vehicles involved, can cause serious injury to the occupants of the vehicles involved in the collision, requiring the need for medical attention and an expert California Personal Injury attorney.
How to Contact an Experienced Car Accident Injury LawyerIf you or anyone you care about has been involved in a car accident or any truck, motorcycle or other motor vehicle collision, please call or contact our law office now as we have successfully resolved thousands of car accident injury cases and other serious personal injury cases for over 45 years and we would like to help you. We invite you to see what others say about us.
The insurance companies have trained adjusters working to increase their profits and to either limit or even deny your claim, so please do NOT wait. Please call our auto accident law firm now for a FREE consultation with an experienced car accident injury attorney or any support member of our legal team.