Motorcycle Accident
The California Department of Motor Vehicles (DMV) defines a motorcycle as "A motor-driven cycle with a 149 cc or less engine size." Motorcycle riders are often involved in serious injury accidents, including fatal collisions resulting in wrongful death claims, because, among other reasons, they do not have much protection from other cars and trucks and the road. The motorcycle itself provides almost no protection in a crash. Recognizing this risk to riders, the DMV advises that one may not operate a motorcycle on any freeway where signs are posted to prohibit the operation of any motor-driven cycle.

Motorcycle Racing - Cause of Accidents
If you or someone you care about is injured in a motorcycle accident in Los Angeles, the San Fernando Valley, Riverside or anywhere in California, please contact our California motorcycle lawyers and law offices now at 866-INJURY-2 or 818-222-3400 (after hours use extension 1) or simply click here to complete our easy Contact Form for an absolutely FREE & CONFIDENTIAL consultation. Our motorcycle lawyers and law offices offer over 45 years of experience and we have won thousands of personal injury and wrongful death accident cases.
There is NO charge for our motorcycle accident consultation and our motorcycle accident attorneys work on a contingency fee which means that there is NO fee until you WIN! The fee we earn only comes after we win and it usually is paid by the other party's insurance company and does NOT come out of your own pocket. There are special rules and code sections pertaining to motorcycles and claims in California, including specific notice requirements in some insurance policies, DMV rules and time deadlines known as the California statute of limitations, so we urge you not to wait and to contact us right away as it is so unfair when a rider loses his or her rights because of delay or some other mistake.
According to the National Highway Traffic Study Administration (NHTSA), motorcycles have a much higher fatality rate than cars. In 2006, 18.06 cars out of 100,000 accidents were involved in fatal crashes, while for motorcycles fatal crashes were 55.82 for every 100,000.
Other figures show motorcycles have 16 times more serious injuries than cars and twice the rate of bicycles.

Road Rash Injury from Motorcycle Accident
The NHTSA reported in 2005 that 4008 motorcycle riders were killed on roads in the United States in 2004, which was an 8 % increase from the prior year. By comparison, 37,304 car occupants were killed in the United States in 2004.
The NHTSA also reports that there are over four million (4,000,000) motorcycles registered in the U.S. Motorcycle fatalities represent about five (5) percent of all highway fatalities, while motorcycles are just two (2) percent of all registered vehicles in the U.S.
While about 80 percent of all reported motorcycle accidents result in some injury or sometimes death, it is just about 20 percent for cars.
The Hurt Report collected data from Los Angeles and surrounding areas and concluded:
- 75% of motorcycle accidents involved a motorcycle and car, while the remaining 25% were single motorcycle accidents;
- In the single accidents, motorcycle rider error was the key factor in about two-thirds of the motorcycle crashes;
- Over half of the fatal or death accidents involved alcohol, and injury severity increases due to alcohol use;
- Wearing appropriate protective gear, including proper helmets and protective clothing (leather jackets and durable pants, boots and gloves), mitigates (lessens) crash injuries;
- Accident involvement is significantly reduced by using motorcycle "headlamps-on" in daylight and wearing highly visible bright colored jackets.
As a result of motorcycle crashes serious injuries commonly occur, including the following:

Motorcycle Crash Accident
- Concussion and brain injuries, if the rider's head impacts with other hard objects. This can be prevented by using proper helmets, as required by California law;
- Fractures and breaking of joints, including knees, wrists, elbows, shoulders and hips;
- Road rash - abrasions and contusions as the rider's body slides on any hard surface. This can be completely prevented with the proper type of clothing, including leather jackets and reinforced denim pants;
- Facial scars and disfigurement, which can be prevented by using proper helmets and gear. Wearing helmets, as required by California law, is essential as, among other things, thirty-five (35%) of crashes impact the chin area.
- Fatal accidents resulting in wrongful death claims, the most tragic of all, losing the life of a loved one.
If you or a loved one is involved in a motorcycle crash, our legal team will fight to obtain the compensation that you deserve, including all damages allowed under California law for all injuries suffered, including wrongful death, such as the following:

Police Investigation of Motorcycle Accident
- All past and future medical, hospital, physical therapy, psychological and dental charges,
- All past and future loss of earnings and also all time lost at work, even if paid for it under sick leave, vacation time or other benefits as the responsible party should not benefit by the benefits you earned and may have used up;
- Loss of enjoyment of life and activities you lost and missed out on;
- All past and future pain, suffering, emotional distress and inconvenience;
- All property damage, rental charges and all loss of use of property (as sometimes one is not able to or cannot afford to rent a replacement motorcycle but still suffers from the loss of use of that property and, therefore, is entitled to fair compensation for that loss);
Take the pressure off yourself and let someone experienced in handling such motorcycle accident matters assist you. Call our offices now for a FREE consultation with an experienced injury attorney or any member of our legal team. Please see what others say about us - click on Testimonials.