Pedestrian Accident
Have you or someone you care about been involved in a pedestrian accident in Los Angeles, the San Fernando Valley or elsewhere in California?

Typical Pedestrian Warning Sign
The most common type of pedestrian accident occurs when a person is hit by a car, truck or motorcycle. Pedestrian accidents happen very frequently in California due to the large number of people who like to walk or run, whether it is for exercise, to get to a desired destination or simply for fun.
Pedestrian accident injuries are often more serious than other types of injuries because they often involve a heavy car or truck, which may be traveling at a high rate of speed, striking an unprotected pedestrian, who doesn't have the advantages that a bumper, a seatbelt and other car safety mechanisms provide. For this reason, many pedestrian accidents result in wrongful death and other catastrophic injuries.
Pedestrian accident injuries occur in many different scenarios, such as in a crosswalk, on a street without a crosswalk, with or without a stop light or stop sign, on a sidewalk when a vehicle jumps the curb or carelessly exits a parking lot, in a driveway, or anywhere else that automobiles and pedestrians may collide with each other.

Pedestrian Struck By Car
If you or a loved one is involved in a pedestrian accident, it is very important to get as much information as possible on the vehicle and driver involved. This should include the license plate number, the make and model of the vehicle, the driver's full name, current telephone number and address, and driver's license number as well as his/her insurance company and policy number. It is good practice to actually see the other person's driver's license and copy down everything on it and not simply rely upon what the other driver tells you. We have had clients who were given false information by the other party so please review the driver's license. If the vehicle leaves the scene of the impact, make sure to call the police at 911 right away and provide as much helpful information as possible.
Because pedestrian accidents occur in many different ways and often involve very complicated scenarios and injuries, victims or their families should call our office right away. Usually it is best to call from the scene of the accident or from the emergency room, so that we can help fight to get the best medical care possible, as well as compensation for the victim's injuries and damages. In one recent case, the emergency room wanted to discharge our injured client, but because an attorney form our office went to the emergency room to assist our client, the hospital changed its position and not only kept our client overnight but then longer due to our client's serious injuries!
Our firm will fight to obtain the medical care and compensation that our injured pedestrian clients deserve, including all damages allowed under California law for all injuries suffered, such as the following:
- All past and future medical, hospital, physical therapy, psychological and dental charges;
- All past and future loss of earnings and also all time lost at work, even if paid for it under sick leave, vacation time or other benefits as the responsible party should not benefit by the benefits you earned and may have used up;
- Loss of enjoyment of life and activities you lost and missed out on;
- All past and future pain, suffering, emotional distress and inconvenience;
- And any and all other appropriate damages permitted under California law.
Take the pressure off yourself and let someone experienced in handling such matters assist you. Call our offices now for a FREE consultation with an experienced injury attorney or any member of our legal team.