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Am I Ready to Call a Lawyer for Starting a Roundup Cancer Lawsuit?

Yes, if you have developed a cancer in your body on account of being exposed to the glyphosate chemicals in Roundup, the time is now to call to start a lawsuit. Glyphosates are the strong and dangerous chemicals that are the active ingredients in Roundup herbicide. The dangerous and carcinogenic glyphosate materials and chemicals are known carcinogens for humans and can wreck-havoc on the human body. Herbicides are meant to kill weeds in landscaping and crop development. But the ingestion and exposure to herbicides can kill human cells and cellular structures as well. If you developed a cancer because of exposure to Roundup, you can call us to talk to our Los Angeles Roundup lawyers today at the Law Offices of Gary K. Walch, at 866-INJURY2 or 866-465-8792.

All Roundup Formulas Can Cause Liver Cell Death in Humans

Roundup is used globally as an effective herbicide for a reason. It is highly effective at killing weeds in fields and in environmental applications. But when you are accidentally exposed to Roundup, you can also develop cancer from cell death in your body. Of particular concern is the issue that Roundup can cause xenobiotic effects in the body, whereby the dangerous chemicals can promote cell death in the liver. The job of the human liver is to naturally and organically remove toxins. If the liver in a person is damaged, then there will be problems that can be life-threatening that can come from exposures to Roundup.

How Does Exposure to Roundup Dangerous Chemicals “Kill” Your Liver and Its Normal Functions?

Roundup exposures can kill your liver function. The liver in humans and in most animals with livers works to detoxify whatever toxins come into the body. In humans especially, the liver in our bodies works to clean out our systems naturally. This natural cleansing action keeps us alive and allows us to fight pathogens that are life-threatening that can accidentally come into our bodies throughout our lifetime. When the liver is damaged by Roundup exposure, the liver ceases to clean out toxins and death can result. It is easy to see how dangerous exposure to Roundup chemicals can be on the human body. You can call our legal team this afternoon, to review your personal injury claim with you. Our Los Angeles Roundup law firm is ready to help you in your time of need.

How Does the Natural Human Body Excrete Toxins From the Liver?

Your natural human body works magic to excrete toxins out of the body through your liver. If your liver is functioning normally, it will trap toxins and excrete them to keep you healthy and strong. But if the toxins overload the liver, those toxins can impede its normal ability to function. This is the case when there is an over accumulation of toxins from glyphosates from exposure to Roundup. The liver is unable to excrete toxins, which will then unfortunately accumulate in the body. Over time, these toxins can bind together and create a toxic reactive overload to the healthy cell structures and molecules in the human body.1 That is when many abnormal cells “get away with” multiplying out of control in the body. These unfriendly cells are cancers that can take over a person’s body, making it impossible to heal from diseases or other chronic conditions. This can severely increase the likelihood of mortality over time, and all as a result of exposure and overexposure to the harsh and dangerous chemicals found in household and industrial strength Roundup herbicide.

I Really Want to Call a Los Angeles Roundup Lawyer, but I Feel Nervous to Make the First Call

You need not feel any fear, trepidation or hesitation to call us to review your Roundup cancer claim. Our Los Angeles Roundup lawyers are here for you and are ready to lend an ear to listen to your concerns and medical issues related to exposure of Roundup from your home or work environment. We can help you to initiate a lawsuit and are here right now when you are ready to make the first call to us. If you have questions regarding the worth, value or settlement procedures related to a Roundup cancer lawsuit, you need to call our law office today to talk about your concerns. We are available to take your call at the Law Offices of Gary K. Walch, and you can call us at 866-INJURY2 or 866-465-8792.


1Gasnier, C., Benachour, N., Clair, E., Travert, C., Langlois, F., Laurant, C., Decroix-Laporte, C., & Séralini, G. E. (2010). Dig1 protects against cell death provoked by glyphosate-based herbicides in human liver cell lines. Journal of Occupational Medicine and Toxicology (London, England), 5, 29.

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You guys did a great job in settling my case! Hope you all do well and prosper. Thank you for a job well done. Jackie C.
We had two prior attorneys who were unable to settle our car accident case. We then hired Gary and Robert Walch and they not only got us both great settlements, but personally spent time with us explaining everything clearly. We couldn't be happier. Thank you! A.M. and M.A.
Dear Gary, I just want to thank you for working so hard on my case! I know at times we were a bit difficult, but you did a great job. I thank you and your son for good results. I will pass your number on to any one that I run across who may need a PI attorney! I send you warm regards. Julie B.
Dear Gary, I just wanted to tell you how much I appreciate all your efforts on my behalf. The car accident was a very traumatizing experience for me. But knowing that I could trust you and your son, Robert, helped alleviate my fears and worries. Carmella C.
Thank you for all of your hard work and thank you for making it so easy over e-mail for me. I'm a busy working mom of an Autistic 5 year old son and you guys were great. I will definitely recommend your services to family and friends. Edna G.
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