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Toxic Baby Food Can Cause Many Personal Injuries and Developmental Problems in Children Exposed to These Health Hazards

There have been reports that our baby food reserves are tainted with toxins, and many baby food manufacturers have allowed toxic baby food treach our grocery stores and shelves. Of course, there are baby food makers whare scrupulous with how their products are made, and then there are the others. If you have given your baby some baby food that is tainted with toxic materials, it can affect your child with adverse reactions. These adverse events can affect your children’s growth and development for the rest of their lives.

If your child has been injured and now experiences delays and problems related tthe child’s growth and development, you need tcall our Los Angeles legal team ttalk about your case. You can call us today at the Law Offices of Gary K. Walch at 866-INJURY 2 or 866-465-8792. We are here treview your personal injury claim from toxic baby food that was given tyour child, and we can advise you on the next steps ttake tget a full recovery from the at-fault parties tyour loss.

How is Baby Food Manufactured in the United States?

Baby food and all manufactured and processed foods for children are made at food manufacturing plants and facilities. The raw materials for baby food in the form of fruits, vegetables and meats are converted intmeals for children at the manufacturing plant. The food manufacturer uses special techniques tclean, package, sort, prepare, steam and seal the food intsterile containers. Next, the food is stored in climate-controlled areas before it is sent off tthe distribution facilities tbe sold tgrocery stores where you buy the baby food for your children’s nutrition. During the food process, there can be an opportunity for contaminants tcross paths with the baby food being made at the plant. When this happens, the food can turn toxic and when that food is eaten, it can cause problems for the child whconsumes it.

Where Do Toxins at the Baby Food Manufacturing Plant Come from to Contaminate the Baby Food During Processing?

It is hard tsay exactly where a toxin can come from at one plant that makes baby foods. That is because there are several opportunities for food tbe tainted at a baby food manufacturer’s facility. Needless tsay, if there are metals that are uncleaned during the manufacturing process, then these metals or contaminants can get intthe baby food being manufactured. Heavy metals, lead and other dangerous chemicals can get intbaby food at the manufacturing plant. When the heavy metals stay in the baby food jar as a final product tthe manufacturing process, the next stop for the baby food is intyour child’s mouth! The baby food manufacturers are responsible for ensuring their baby food products are safe and that they have documented how they worked tpreserve the integrity and safety of their baby food while it was being made at the plant. If heavy metals or toxins are found in the manufacturing plant’s water that services the plant, that counts too, as that water resource will contaminate the baby food during the processing and manufacturing process.

What is the Connection Between Tainted Baby Food and a Child Developing Autism?

There are studies that show that a child whis exposed tingesting baby food tainted with heavy metals can possibly develop autism spectrum disorders, based on the exposure tthe toxins in the baby foods. The research shows that even gestational exposure tsome toxic substances during pregnancy can disrupt and affect the endocrine and neurological systems of an unborn child. This result is because pollution, toxins in the environment, endocrine-disrupting chemicals and other pollutants can play a crucial factor in the neurodevelopment of a child. When the bodily functions and brain development are adversely affected by toxins, the child will suffer later, quite possibly in the form of developing an autism spectrum disorder.

Qualifying Factors:

There are several qualifying factors that must be reached in order tfile a personal injury claim for autism from your child eating baby food.

First Off, Your Child Must Be Diagnosed With Autism (a.K.A. Autism Spectrum Disorder or ASD) After Use of Eating and Ingesting Baby Food Products.

Secondly, Your Child’s Diagnoses May Include:

  • Asperger’s Syndrome
  • Childhood Disintegrative Disorder (aka Heller's Syndrome)
  • Kanner’s Syndrome
  • Pervasive Developmental Disorder
    • Must be diagnosed with Autism at age 6 or younger
    • Must have used one or more of the following Brands of Baby Food:
      • Beech Nut Nutrition Company
      • Nestle: Gerber Products
      • Sprout Organic Products
      • Hain Celestial Group, Inc: Earth's Best Organic
      • Nurture, Inc: HappyFamily, HappyBaby
      • Sun-Maid: Plum Organics
      • Walmart: Parent’s Choice
      • Kroger

Thirdly, Your Child Must Have Used Qualified Brand of Baby Food for at Least 6 Months Prior tBeing Diagnosed With Autism

Your child’s personal injury claim will be automatically rejected if any of the following conditions holds true in your case, including:

I. Automatic Rejection:
  • Child was previously retained or rejected by another law firm for toxic baby food claim
  • Child was born before 26th week of pregnancy
  • Child’s birth weight was less than 5.5 lbs. at birth
  • Child’s family has history of Autism Spectrum Disorder
  • Child has been diagnosed with one or more of the following: Down Syndrome, Fragile X or other chromosomal malformation
II. Syndrome, Tourette Syndrome, Tuberous Sclerosis and Others Listed Below
  • Mother was over 45 years of age when child was born
  • Father was over 50 years old when child was born
  • One of the child's parents is diagnosed with autism
  • Child is over 6 years of age
  • Child's birth occurred in Michigan

III. List of Disqualifying Factors for the Biological Mother of a Child With ASD – When the Mother Used Medications and Substance Usage During Pregnancy:

Biological Mother Has Substantially Used the Following Medications or Participated in Any of the Following Activities During the Pregnancy:

  • Substantial Cigarette Smoking
  • Substantially Consumed Alcoholic Beverages
  • Any Cocaine Usage
  • Substantial (non-cocaine) Illicit Drugs Usage
  • Thalidomide Usage
  • Antidepressants
  • Anti-Seizure/Anti-Convulsant Medications

IV. List of Disqualifying Medical Conditions for Child:

Child Was Diagnosed With Any of the Following Conditions Prior tthe Diagnosis of Autism Spectrum Disorder:

  • (ASD) diagnosis:
  • Rett Syndrome
  • Angelman Syndrome
  • Down Syndrome
  • PTEN Hamartoma Tumor
  • Syndrome
  • Jacobs Syndrome
  • Encephalopathy
  • Timothy Syndrome
  • Tuberous Sclerosis
  • Severe Viral Infection
  • Fragile X Syndrome
  • Birth Injuries or Trauma
  • Major Brain Injury
  • (Traumatic Brain Injury)
  • Significant Respiratory Distress
  • or NBreathing after birth
  • Charge Syndrome
  • Cornelia De Lange Syndrome
  • Neurofibromatosis Syndrome
  • Smith-Lemli-Opitz Syndrome
  • Cohen Syndrome

We care about your personal injury claim based on toxic baby food for your child, and we want ttalk tyou about recovery compensation for your losses. Call Walch Law today at 866-INJURY 2 or 866-465-8792 and we will review your personal injury claim related tbaby food that caused autism in your child. Our Los Angeles legal team is ready treview your personal injury case with you now. We will provide you with the next steps tinitiate a lawsuit based on the merits of your personal injury claim. Call today tstart the process thealing and recovery at 866-INJURY 2 or 866-465-8792.

Client Reviews
You guys did a great job in settling my case! Hope you all do well and prosper. Thank you for a job well done. Jackie C.
We had two prior attorneys who were unable to settle our car accident case. We then hired Gary and Robert Walch and they not only got us both great settlements, but personally spent time with us explaining everything clearly. We couldn't be happier. Thank you! A.M. and M.A.
Dear Gary, I just want to thank you for working so hard on my case! I know at times we were a bit difficult, but you did a great job. I thank you and your son for good results. I will pass your number on to any one that I run across who may need a PI attorney! I send you warm regards. Julie B.
Dear Gary, I just wanted to tell you how much I appreciate all your efforts on my behalf. The car accident was a very traumatizing experience for me. But knowing that I could trust you and your son, Robert, helped alleviate my fears and worries. Carmella C.
Thank you for all of your hard work and thank you for making it so easy over e-mail for me. I'm a busy working mom of an Autistic 5 year old son and you guys were great. I will definitely recommend your services to family and friends. Edna G.