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Does Roundup Cause Breast Cancer?

Exposure to Roundup Chemicals Can Cause Breast Cancer in the Human Body

Roundup herbicide is used globally to kill weeds. Along with being the most successful weed killer in the world, the chemicals in Roundup can also kill humans. You can become exposed to Roundup and the associated dangerous chemicals in that product, by smelling it, allowing it to touch your skin, or ingesting it by accident from it being applied to the ground where you get your drinking water.

Roundup is a dangerous chemical that can wreck-havoc on your body and its organs. Overall, any exposure to agrochemicals and pesticides that are carcinogenic can cause cancer in the human body. These chemicals are highly dangerous and can definitely cause breast cancer if you experience exposure to the chemicals in the short and long term. Besides cancer, the agrochemical pesticides can cause chronic diseases such as reproductive disorders and other serious illnesses.2

Studies Show That Herbicide Glyphosates Cause Female Breast Cancer

There are various research studies that show that female breast cancer has been caused in the United States from exposure to aminomethylphosphonic acid (AMPA), a primary chemical used in herbicide glyphosate.1 The glyphosate gets into a person’s body from exposure to Roundup and similar chemicals, which can increase the risk of developing breast cancer. If you have been diagnosed with breast cancer from exposure to Roundup, you can call our law office to review your claim. Just contact us at The Law Offices of Gary K. Walch, and you can call us at 866-INJURY2 or 866-465-8792.

Why Does Roundup Cause Breast Cancer in Women?

The active chemical ingredient in Roundup is glyphosate. The glyphosate chemical is an endocrine disrupting agent that can trigger “bad” cancer cells to divide through estrogen receptors. Simply put, the glyphosate chemicals stop good cells from growing, and can start cancerous cells to grow instead in the human body. Cells regenerate on a regular basis. This is good, because there is a natural cycle of cells that live and die in the human body. But when the cell growth cycle is disrupted, changed from exposure to toxic chemicals or prevented from maturing and growing naturally, then cancer cells can take over instead of healthy cells. That is what can happen if you are exposed to Roundup chemicals.

Even a low concentration of Roundup with a short exposure can prevent cell pathways from repairing damaged cells normally. This may result in a dysfunctional metabolic process that can include:3

  • Damage to DNA
  • Alteration of the metabolic processes in the body
  • Altered mitochondrial oxygen consumption
  • Increased ROS levels
  • Induced hypoxia
  • Mutation in cells
  • Cell death

In the event of exposure to Roundup, you don’t have to go it alone. You can call our law office to talk to our legal team today. It’s easy to make the first call to us at 866-INJURY2 or 866-465-8792.

Why Aren’t Roundup Chemicals Just Expelled by the Human Body After Exposure?

This is a good question, as to why we cannot just expel the chemicals in Roundup out of our bodies after an exposure to these harmful chemicals. We have to think about the way that the body processes anything, to understand why we keep Roundup chemicals in the body far too long after being exposed to them. We know what you may be thinking: How come a person cannot just expel Roundup through bodily expelling functions? We hate to tell you, but it is not that easy.

Once you ingest or eat something, really anything, the body goes to work to break the food or chemical down. Your body assumes it is getting something nutritious and will break down anything that is ingested to distribute it to the needed organs for nutrients to keep the body strong. When we accidentally ingest or become exposed to a harmful chemical, the body will go ahead and try to break it down anyway. That is what the body does because it is all it knows how to do. When your body starts breaking down a dangerous chemical, that chemical agent often gets “stuck” inside the body organs that are trying to clear it to send it as a nutrient to other parts of the body.

Roundup Breaks Down in the Human Body and Can Stay in the Body Long Enough to Damage Internal Organs Forever

There are cases showing that when Roundup is ingested or a person is exposed to the harmful chemicals in Roundup, and these dangerous agents never leave the person’s body. In that case, you might never “get over” being exposed to Roundup and its harmful chemicals. The body wants to use what you eat for strengthening the body over time. It uses what you ingest and eat to build up your body, to be able to manage the functions for daily life. But if you are exposed to Roundup, you are basically feeding your body a harsh chemical, that it cannot just process and forget that it was exposed to it.

For example, if you eat a nice salad, the body breaks it down and sends nutrients to the organs, muscles, tissues and blood stream and all is right with the world. But when you are exposed to a dangerous chemical, such as Roundup, the body goes ahead and tries to break it down for use elsewhere in the body. The chemicals in Roundup are surfactants that are meant to cling to and kill plants. Inside of your body, these same chemicals start to go into your organs and can cling to the organs. The problem is simple: Roundup glyphosate goes into the body and comes out unchanged in the urine, can be metabolized, and can irreparably damage internal organs.3

There is No Second Chance With an Exposure to Roundup, Your Only Chance at Recovery is a Lawsuit!

Unfortunately, your body may only give you one chance when you have been exposed to the harsh chemicals found in the herbicide Roundup. You may develop a cancer, pre-cancerous cells, or find that your organs are damaged, irreparably harmed or that even your DNA is damaged all from the chemicals in Roundup. Once you have developed problems, chronic diseases or cellular damage related to a Roundup exposure, your one chance to get restitution may be to initiate a lawsuit. You may not get your body back the same way that it was before the Roundup exposure, and for that reason we want to help you to get the compensation you deserve in this case. You can call us today to review your claim for personal injuries, as a result of exposure to Roundup chemicals.

If you have questions regarding the worth, value or settlement procedures related to a Roundup cancer lawsuit, you need to call our law office today to talk about your concerns. We are available to take your call at The Law Offices of Gary K. Walch, and you can call us at 866-INJURY2 or 866-465-8792.


1Franke, A. A., Li, X., Shvetsov, Y. B., & Lai, J. F. (2021). Pilot study on the urinary excretion of the glyphosate metabolite aminomethylphosphonic acid and breast cancer risk: The Multiethnic Cohort study. Environmental Pollution (Barking, Essex: 1987), 277, 116848.

2Kass, L., Gomez, A. L., & Altamirano, G. A. (2020). Relationship between agrochemical compounds and mammary gland development and breast cancer. Molecular and Cellular Endocrinology, 508, 110789.

3Stur, E., Aristizabal-Pachon, A. F., Peronni, K. C., Agostini, L. P., Waigel, S., Chariker, J., Miller, D. M., Thomas, S. D., Rezzoug, F., Detogni, R. S., Reis, R. S. D., Silva Junior, W. A., & Louro, I. D. (2019). Glyphosate-based herbicides at low doses affect canonical pathways in estrogen positive and negative breast cancer cell lines. PloS One, 14(7), e0219610.

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You guys did a great job in settling my case! Hope you all do well and prosper. Thank you for a job well done. Jackie C.
We had two prior attorneys who were unable to settle our car accident case. We then hired Gary and Robert Walch and they not only got us both great settlements, but personally spent time with us explaining everything clearly. We couldn't be happier. Thank you! A.M. and M.A.
Dear Gary, I just want to thank you for working so hard on my case! I know at times we were a bit difficult, but you did a great job. I thank you and your son for good results. I will pass your number on to any one that I run across who may need a PI attorney! I send you warm regards. Julie B.
Dear Gary, I just wanted to tell you how much I appreciate all your efforts on my behalf. The car accident was a very traumatizing experience for me. But knowing that I could trust you and your son, Robert, helped alleviate my fears and worries. Carmella C.
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