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Hernia Mesh Lawsuits

The use of Herina Mesh has been linked to causing serious side effects in patients. If you or someone you care about has been injured due to hernia mesh, contacting the Los Angeles Hernia Mesh injury attorneys at Walch Law is crucial— we can help you the get compensation you deserve for your hernia mesh injuries.

What is Hernia Mesh and How is It Used?

Hernia Mesh is a medical device used in surgery to reinforce areas where tissue is damaged by a hernia. The mesh sheets or patches are created from animal tissues or synthetic materials.

As the name implies, hernia mesh is used to treat hernias. A hernia occurs when intestines, organs, or fat tissue are pushed through a weak spot in the muscle or tissue that surrounds these body parts. Hernias often occur as a result of stress or pressure on intestines or organs and can result in a bulge that can generally be seen from the outside of the body.

When a person suffers a hernia, one way to fix the problem is to have surgery to reinforce the weak muscle or tissues. This is where the hernia mesh is used—during surgery, hernia mesh is implanted into the muscle or tissue to provide extra support for weakened tissue and muscles that gave away resulting in a hernia.

Harmful Effects of Hernia Mesh

The use of hernia mesh is intended to help treat a hernia and reinforce the muscle or tissue wall so a hernia does not occur again. Unfortunately, although the hernia mesh is supposed to be helpful, many times the mesh causes serious and painful side effects in the patients who get the mesh implanted during a hernia repair surgery.

These side effects range from minor or serious and include:

  • Infection: the incision and insertion site of the mesh can become infected, which can spread throughout the body. Infections can contribute to the side effect of extreme pain common with hernia mesh.
  • Mesh failure: The hernia mesh itself can cause problems if it does not stay in place. If the mesh moves, or pieces of the mesh deteriorate and break off, it can cause damage to surrounding tissue, intestines, and organs. The mesh can also cause tissue erosion.
  • Bowel Problems: Hernia mesh has been found to cause bowel adhesion or bowel obstruction in many patients.

In addition to these serious side effects, it is possible for the hernia to reoccur. When patients experience these side effects, it often results in additional surgeries to correct the problem or remove the mesh. With every surgery comes the risk of further side effects as a well as a painful, and sometimes lengthy, recovery.

Hernia Mesh Litigation

Hernia mesh has caused so many serious and painful side effects, and the FDA has even recalled certain hernia mesh. As a result, patients across the country who have experienced these side effects due to the use of hernia mesh during hernia repair surgery have taken legal action against the manufacturers of hernia mesh.

Common Manufacturers of hernia mesh include:

Several other companies also produce the hernia mesh as it is so often used in hernia surgery. In litigation against these companies, patients harmed by the use of hernia mesh argue different claims—some of these claims include arguing that the hernia mesh had a defective design and the hernia mesh was poorly manufactured. Many patients also allege that these large hernia mesh manufacturers knew of the serious risks and side effects the mesh could cause, and yet failed to appropriately warn patients. Therefore, many patients agreed to the use of hernia mesh in their surgeries without knowing the extent of the risks and side effects that could result.

When many people are harmed by the same product, it is often considered a mass tort. In mass tort litigation, many plaintiffs (individuals) bring a lawsuit against the company allegedly responsible for their harm. However, the plaintiffs are not joined together in one suit, like occurs in a class action suit, but rather each person brings their own individualized claim. These claims can be complicated, especially when it comes to dealing with large medical companies involved in extensive litigation, so it is important to speak to an experienced Los Angeles hernia mesh attorney if you would like to participate in the mass tort litigation. When successful in a mass tort claim, the injured party can receive financial compensation for the costs of their physical injuries, as well as for the other damages and losses they suffered as a result of the harm caused by hernia mesh. If you think you might have a case, take the five minutes to make the call and find out more.

Talk to an Experienced Los Angeles Hernia Mesh Injury Attorney

While the use of hernia mesh is intended to solve problems, it can actually cause painful side effects that can disrupt your day to day life. At Walch Law, we understand how frustrating it can be to experience unexpected and unwanted side effects from a product you thought was going to help. You deserve to be compensated for any damages hernia mesh has caused in your life. As previously mentioned, in a mass tort case, financial compensation is available for medical costs, as well as other losses or damages. This includes your pain and suffering, loss of enjoyment of life, emotional harm and other losses suffered as a result of the hernia mesh.

Our attorneys have years of experience helping clients with all kinds of personal injury claims—this includes clients with mass tort claims against large corporations. We know that dealing with a large corporation can feel daunting and this is not something you should try to handle without legal representation.

To get your questions answered about your hernia mesh injuries and potential mass tort claim, call us at 866-INJURY2 (866-465-8792) or fill out our online contact sheet to schedule a FREE case consultation. We can discuss your situation and let you know if you have a claim that could get you financial compensation. We can work to help you get the financial recovery you deserve, while you focus on your physical care and recovery. Contact us today to schedule your FREE case consultation!

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